The Hawker Hunter is a British jet fighter designed in the 1950’s. It is just about capable of supersonic flight (in a dive) and is apparently a delight to fly. It’s certainly a delight to look at, both in the single-seat and two-seat versions. With its clean lines and lovely wing shape, swept curved tail fin and sleek fuselage, it’s simply gorgeous.
The Hunter was also flown by the Black Arrows, the forerunners of the famous Red Arrows:
The Hunter is one of those aeroplanes with a characteristic sound – the Vulcan has its ‘howl’, and so does the Hunter. Here’s a short video of Hunters making their characteristic ‘blue note’ howl:
A lovely sound, for those with ears to hear…..although I appreciate that not everyone likes jet noise!
So there she is – the Hunter. Another Beautiful Destroyer!