About 25 years ago, as I have said before, my dear friend Chris came back from several months’ working in Australia, and he brought back with him a whole bunch of great new songs from Christian City Church, Sydney, where he and his family had been worshipping while they were out there. One of the best ones, for me, was ‘Stand in Awe’; a real belter of a song with great lyrics, dynamics and a simple but haunting chord structure. Here we go: Stand in Awe by Phil Pringle, led by Christine Pringle and recorded live at Christian City Church, Sydney, Australia:
Stand in awe before Me
Careful to bring the glory to God
Stretching forth holy hands
Bowing down in reverence to God
Place your feet in my sanctuary
Lift your voice to the skies!
Glory to the Lamb of God
Glory to the Lamb of God
Glory to the Lamb of God
Sing anthems of praise!
Sing anthems of praise!
– Phil Pringle, 1990