Just wanted to share this testimony with you today.
In June 1989, the morning after my youngest son was born, I was somewhat tired – as you can imagine! I phoned in to work to ask my boss if I could have the day off, and he was pretty nasty about it, but did – grudgingly – indeed give me the day off. I guess he knew there wasn’t much he could do about it; I wasn’t in any fit state to go in. Somewhat demoralising, eh? – and what a spoiler; what a thing to do to someone who’s just had a child arrive in the family!
But as I was cleaning my teeth that morning, the Lord spoke something so clearly to my heart. He said to me, ‘Son, it doesn’t matter what they think – you’re My child’. It came right out of nowhere; I wasn’t thinking particularly God thoughts nor was I feeling particularly spiritual. But nevertheless, God spoke to me.
And that truth that He gave me that day has never left me, not even through my wilderness years. It has changed my life completely. I have never, ever had the slightest doubt that I am a child of God, just as described in John 1:12, “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God“. Wow!
And then a couple of months later, I heard the song ‘Precious Child‘, by Andy Park. And it hit home so forcefully that again I have never been able to listen to it without being reminded of God’s words to me on that morning – such was the power of the initial revelation.
In fact, I have to confess that, although I have sung (as in ‘performed’) the song many times as a solo when leading worship, I have never once led a congregation in singing it. It was such a special song to me that I didn’t want anyone else messing it up, I suppose! But now I’m ‘releasing’ it for others’ blessing.
Here then is the song and its lyrics. Make it your own. Ask God to reveal to your heart, like He did to mine, how much He loves you, His precious child!
Show me, dear Lord, how You see me through Your eyes
So that I can realize Your great love for me
Teach me, O Lord, that I am precious in Your sight
That as a father loves his child, so You love me.
I am Yours, because You have chosen me
I’m Your child, because You’ve called my name
And Your steadfast love will never change
I will always be Your precious child
Show me, dear Lord, that I can never earn Your love
That a gift cannot be earned, only given
Teach me, O Lord, that Your love will never fade
That I can never drive away Your great mercy
I am Yours, because You have chosen me
I’m Your child, because You’ve called my name
And Your steadfast love will never change
I will always be Your precious child
So, there we are. Precious Child. A precious song sharing a precious truth. I hope it blesses you and leads you too into that truth.