Monthly Archives: July 2015

Learning the Lessons of History

One of the main reasons for the study of History is that we see how other people did things in the past, what they got right and what they got wrong, and to avoid making the same mistakes again.

We call it ‘Learning the Lessons of History’; sadly, though, it sometimes appears that the only lesson we learn from History is that nobody learns the lessons of history. We make the same mistakes over and over again!

I read an article recently* where the writer describes what happens when there’s a mighty move of God in the Church. Some call this ‘Revival’ – in its real sense: a huge realisation of the sense of the presence and power of God in society and in individuals’ lives**. Here’s some thoughts that were provoked by that article.

All of the great revivals of history have seen many souls saved, many people healed, societies changed, lives changed, miracles, and all sorts of signs and wonders indicating the ‘breaking-in’ of the Kingdom of God into everyday life. From the first ‘big’ revivals documented in the Book of Acts in the Bible, right up to recent revivals, this has been the case.

Another great fruit of revival has been the setting free of ‘ordinary’, everyday believers into the ‘Glorious freedom of the Children of God’ (Romans 8:21); the freeing of people from the shackles of ordinary religion and with an emphasis on personal freedom and personal accountability to God, not to men.

However, after only a short time, some people decide they’d like to try to ‘keep’ the blessing, but in their own strength. They observe the different behaviour of those who have been touched by the revival, and perceive this as the reason for the blessings, not a fruit of the blessings. They reason, ‘If you act/behave in this manner, then healings follow, revival follows; this is the reason why God is blessing us’. Whereas actually the converse is true: because of the revival, people change; their behaviour changes and their demeanour changes.

And so, the behaviour becomes the accepted norm, ‘Christians behave this way and no other. Anything else is a sin’. Effectively, the fluid rhythms of grace are subverted by unwritten rules and expectations, and so the new wine leaks out of the old wineskins and the blessing is lost and the revival ends. Trying to crystallise what God is doing into a set of formulae and rituals means that God is no longer free – and that was our choice, not His – to do the things He wants to do. The Yeast of the Pharisees has worked its way through the batch of dough yet again.

And then the cycle repeats: people eventually tire of the restrictive religious practices, they pray for revival freedom, and it happens again. It even happened in the Book of Acts: after the incredible events of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection, the Church grew like wildfire. But within only a few short years after the Resurrection, already the Jerusalem church were setting rules by which newly-believing Gentile Christians were expected to behave (Acts 16:4, Acts 15:28-29 and similar)

So, perhaps we should try to learn the lessons of history. When the next revival happens – and it will – let’s not try to ‘preserve the blessing’, in the fashion of the Israelites gathering too much manna and trying to store it for the future. For example, in Exodus 16:19-20:  “Moses said to them, ‘Let no man leave any of it until morning.’ But they did not listen to Moses, and some left part of it until morning, and it bred worms and became foul; and Moses was angry with them.…” Now granted, Moses had a real penchant for throwing a thrombie with people, but still the point of the illustration is that if you try to keep, to preserve, today’s blessings for tomorrow, they will no longer be fresh. And so it is with the next revival. We need to make sure that we live it day to day, accepting God’s fresh blessings daily and yes, being excited about what He’s going to do tomorrow, but really living in the ‘now’ and enjoying the blessings of walking with Him on a daily basis, right now.

And we can begin to practice this now. Learn to walk with God now, enjoying His presence and companionship right now. There’s really no time like the present! Let you heart burn with His Spirit. Bless others, do what you see the Father doing (John 5:19), and in doing so, be Jesus to the people you meet. This will put you in good practice for accepting the blessings of revival – and keeping them fresh.

And don’t try to make up formulae or rules to keep the blessing. That isn’t how it works. It works only by walking daily with Jesus, by His Spirit. Remember all this when the revival happens. It will stand you in good stead.


*If someone recognises this argument, and can point me to the book, blog or website where I might have read this, I would be really grateful!

**I am differentiating here from what I think is one American concept of a ‘revival’, which is more of a small ‘tent crusade’ where the Gospel is preached, maybe only for a few days at a time.

“I’ll Never Let Go of Your Hand”

I feel there’s someone out there who really needs to hear this song today.

You may feel that God has abandoned you. You may feel that you have abandoned God. Maybe you’ve done something that you feel sets up an impassable barrier between you and God. Perhaps you’ve been away from Him for years; decades even…and you feel that there’s no way God could ever want you back.

Let me tell you that He’s waiting right now with His loving arms open wide, just waiting for you to come to Him. There’s no strings attached, there’s no need to feel guilty, condemned, estranged or alienated. No matter what you’ve done, He’s longing for you to run to Him right now. Put aside your shame, your guilt, your feelings of letting God down, and leave them at the foot of the Cross. Not only will He never let go of your hand, but He never has either.

He’s waiting with open arms to welcome you – what are you waiting for?

Let the words of this song, by Don Francisco, minister to your heart right now, right where you are, in your hour of need.



And here are the lyrics:

I know what you’ve been hearing
I’ve seen you hide your fear
Embarrassed by your weaknesses
Afraid to let Me near
I wish you knew how much I long for you to understand
No matter what may happen, child
I’ll never let go of your hand

I know you’ve been forsaken
By all you’ve known before
When you failed their expectations
They frowned and closed the door
But even if your heart itself should lose the will to stand
No matter what may happen, child
I’ll never let go of your hand

The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I’ve sealed it with my Spirit, Blood and Word
The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
And He’s stronger than the world you’ve seen and heard

So don’t you fear to show them
All the love I have for you
I’ll be with you everywhere
In everything you do
And even if you do it wrong
And miss the joy I’ve planned
I’ll never, never, never let go of your hand

The life that I have given you
No one can take away
I’ve sealed it with my Spirit, Blood and Word
The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
And He’s stronger than the world you’ve seen and heard

So don’t you fear to show them all
The love I have for you
I’ll be with you everywhere
In everything you do
And even if you do it wrong and miss the joy I’ve planned
I’ll never, never, never let go of your hand
I’ll never let go of your hand

Song downloaded from Don’s page at There are many, many other mp3s of Don’s also freely available at that site, and I’m sure they’ll be a great blessing to you!

For Those Hurting in the Wake of the U.S. Same-Sex Marriage Law….

If you’re hurting in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage across the USA, may I respectfully point you to this lovely piece from Susan Cottrell, in which the love of God shines through every word.

Please read it carefully and prayerfully and let the Spirit minister to you through the words. If you have the ears to hear Him, this article will help.

Click the picture below to go to the article!


The lovely mountain picture at the top of this page is in Wasdale, in the Lake District, UK, taken in April 2011 by my daughter. Fells from left to right: Yewbarrow; Kirk Fell (just visible behind Yewbarrow); Great Gable; Lingmell; Scafell Pike (just visible to the right of Lingmell); Wastwater Screes below Illgill Head

God Can Work Through Anyone!

I write a lot about people being judgmental, about people trying to impose their rules on other believers, and similar things. Most of the time you’ll have gathered I’m less than complimentary about people who do that sort of thing.

But I have been listening to the quiet voice of the Spirit over the last few days, and I have come to realise that actually God can use anyone to further His purposes, no matter what their perceived state of grace at the time.

You see, Christianity is a huge and wide faith. There are, and have been, literally billions of believers, all of whom have believed that they are following Jesus to the best of their abilities. Nobody has got it all ‘right’ all at the same time. And God indeed looks on the heart. He looks at the motivation of the believer and works with that.

I freely admit that I was myself once a Pharisee; although I was definitely close to Jesus in my relationship with Him, and manifesting His power in my life and ministry, I still felt I had to follow the rules. I was extremely judgmental towards gays, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and generally people of ‘other’ faiths; people who did not believe the same things as I did. (And it took fifteen years for me to be detoxified from these attitudes). God honoured me by changing my heart on these matters, permanently.

And yet, my point is that, despite me, despite all my faults and ‘incorrectness’, God still used me to touch people’s lives supernaturally. Despite all my darkness and hangups, He chose to work through me, even in the ‘wilderness years‘. He doesn’t wait for perfection or for correct doctrinal beliefs before He works through you.

There are many people with whom I still don’t agree in terms of doctrine and stuff like that.

In fact, I was in danger of judging these people; in danger of falling into the same trap as I was in all those years ago. You know what? God doesn’t care what I think about them. He chooses to work through people in healings, prophecy, miracles, knowledge/wisdom…in short, in the same way as He works through the people in my relationship circle, no matter what they believe. Fundamentalist, conservative right-wing, liberals, staid ‘churchy’ people; He chooses to work through these people. Granted, people who have a close walk with Him will doubtless have more of the obviously supernatural happening in their lives. But even those whom outsiders might judge as non-spiritual; even those people, God can work with and through. He’s even spoken to me through Muslims and people of other faiths.

This of course means that no one group has a monopoly on God, and His power. He can choose to speak to you, or work, through someone from whom you might least expect that kind of help. And it’s always a surprise, but of course God delights in surprising His children in that sort of way. So let’s not put boundaries on how God can put His hands on our lives, and let’s not underestimate God’s ability to use others to further His purposes in us. Why indeed would we want to limit His power at work in our lives just because He wants to work, this time, through ‘Them’?

And be encouraged yourself too: you too do not need to wait for what you might think of as perfection before you let God use you. Even the apparently confident people who stand up at the front of Church to sing,  preach or exercise spiritual gifts are by no means perfect! They’re just like you. So, just step out in faith; He will honour your efforts no matter how ‘puny’ you might feel they are!


High Flight, with FAA Supplement…

In the light of my post of a few days ago, you might like this humorous annotated version of the poem ‘High Flight‘, after the national regulatory authority bureaucrats have got hold of it (For information, the FAA is the US equivalent of the UK’s CAA)

Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth(1),
And danced(2) the skies on laughter silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed(3) and joined the tumbling mirth(4)
Of sun-split clouds(5) and done a hundred things(6)
You have not dreamed of — Wheeled and soared and swung(7)
High in the sunlit silence(8). Hov’ring there(9)
I’ve chased the shouting wind(10) along and flung(11)
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious(12), burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights(13) with easy grace,
Where never lark, or even eagle(14) flew;
And, while with silent, lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space(15),
Put out my hand(16), and touched the face of God.


1. Pilots must insure that all surly bonds have been slipped entirely before aircraft taxi or flight is attempted.
2. During periods of severe sky dancing, crew and passengers must keep seatbelts fastened. Crew should wear shoulderbelts as provided.
3. Sunward climbs must not exceed the maximum permitted aircraft ceiling.
4. Passenger aircraft are prohibited from joining the tumbling mirth.
5. Pilots flying through sun-split clouds under VFR conditions must comply with all applicable minimum clearances.
6. Do not perform these hundred things in front of Federal Aviation Administration inspectors.
7. Wheeling, soaring, and swinging will not be attempted except in aircraft rated for such activities and within utility class weight limits.
8. Be advised that sunlit silence will occur only when a major engine malfunction has occurred.
9. “Hov’ring there” will constitute a highly reliable signal that a flight emergency is imminent.
10. Forecasts of shouting winds are available from the local FSS. Encounters with unexpected shouting winds should be reported by pilots.
11. Pilots flinging eager craft through footless halls of air are reminded that they alone are responsible for maintaining separation from other eager craft.
12. Should any crewmember or passenger experience delirium while in the burning blue, submit an irregularity report upon flight termination.
13. Windswept heights will be topped by a minimum of 1,000 feet to maintain VFR minimum separations.
14. Aircraft engine ingestion of, or impact with, larks or eagles should be reported to the FAA and the appropriate aircraft maintenance facility.
15. Aircraft operating in the high untresspassed sanctity of space must remain in IFR flight regardless of meteorological conditions and visibility.
16. Pilots and passengers are reminded that opening doors or windows in order to touch the face of God may result in loss of cabin pressure.

– From Great Aviation Quotes
