If you’re hurting in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage across the USA, may I respectfully point you to this lovely piece from Susan Cottrell, in which the love of God shines through every word.
Please read it carefully and prayerfully and let the Spirit minister to you through the words. If you have the ears to hear Him, this article will help.
Click the picture below to go to the article!
The lovely mountain picture at the top of this page is in Wasdale, in the Lake District, UK, taken in April 2011 by my daughter. Fells from left to right: Yewbarrow; Kirk Fell (just visible behind Yewbarrow); Great Gable; Lingmell; Scafell Pike (just visible to the right of Lingmell); Wastwater Screes below Illgill Head