Category Archives: Worship

Unto the King

You know I love to bless others with great worship songs. So, here’s another: Unto the King, by Joey Holder, another Vineyard song from about 25 years ago, that has always blessed me and that I have recently managed to find once more. Sing, worship and be blessed 🙂

Now unto the King eternal
Unto the King immortal
Unto the King invisible
The only wise God
The only wise God

Unto the King be glory and honour
Unto the King forever
Unto the King be glory and honour forever
And ever, amen, amen

I Just Want to Praise You

Previously, (here and here)* I’ve shared some vintage Vineyard worship songs because I believe that those early Vineyard songs carry an anointing like no others, for leading people into God’s Presence.

Well, here’s another: ‘I Just Want to Praise You’, by Arthur Tannous.

Let the song lift you into God’s Presence as you lift your heart towards Him.


I just want to praise You,
Lift my hands and say: “I love You.”,
You are everything to me,
And I exalt Your holy name on high.
I just want to praise You,
Lift my hands and say: “I love You.”,
You are everything to me,

And I exalt Your holy name,

I exalt Your holy name,
I exalt Your holy name on high.

*And two more Vineyard worship songs can be found on these blog pages: Precious Child and My Delight


We Will Dance

Today I want to share with you a song that’s about twenty years old, but it’s as timeless now as it was even then. It’s ‘We Will Dance‘, also known as ‘Sing a Song of Celebration‘. It speaks of the streets of the Heavenly City being paved with pure gold (Revelation 21:21), and that we will dance there, dance in freedom, dance for joy, dance with our Saviour! As I’ve said before on my blog, “It’s true. All of it.” – these amazing things that “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1Cor 2:9 (NLT)) – these are things we will see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears, in just as much reality as the screen you are looking at now. The Book of Revelation is a strange book, written in an odd sort of coded language in the style of what is called an ‘Apocalypse’ (which is why some people refer to the ‘end of the world’ as the Apocalpyse). However, I firmly believe that some of it is actually written in clear English and is intended to be easy to understand; the parts of the book about the Heavenly City I personally think describe the City exactly as it will be like. I can’t imagine God telling untruths about what Heaven will be like, apocalyptic style or not!

So, what joy this brings to the believer, to know that these things will happen just as God said they would! Why not then anticipate some of that joy right now and listen to this song – join in if you like! – and let it remind you that these are things you will see for real in the future Kingdom! And because the Holy Spirit is given to you right now as a deposit, to guarantee that which is to come (Eph 1:14), and you feel His witness in your heart, you know it’s true. As good old Darth Vader said, “Search your feelings; you know it to be true!” and it’s the same with the witness of the Spirit. Here’s the song. We will dance! Hallelujah!

Sing a song of celebration, lift up a shout of praise
For the Bridegroom will come, the glorious One
And oh, we will look on His face
We’ll go to a much better place

Dance with all your might, lift up your hands and clap for joy
For the time’s drawing near when He will appear
And oh, we’ll stand by His side
A strong, pure, spotless bride

We will dance on the streets that are golden
The glorious bride and the great Son of Man
From every tongue and tribe and nation
We’ll join in the song of the Lamb

(David Ruis)

Jesus is Alive!

ron kenoly

Here’s a brilliantly uplifting praise/declaration song from the inimitable Ron Kenoly, from his 1994  Hosanna Music album ‘God is Able‘. Let this song minister to you the full power, joy and truth of Christ’s victory over sin and death, on the Cross and in His Resurrection.

Hallelujah! Jesus is Alive!

When Words Are Not Enough

Today’s post is a little different in that although I’m presenting yet another worship track, this time there’s an extra little something in the worship which we call ‘Singing in the Spirit’.

As my regular readers will know, I am a worship leader. I’m just one of many, many worship leaders all over the world who have God’s anointing to lead people into the Presence of God. Part of our anointing is to bring understanding to our congregations as to what worship can be like, and what sorts of worship are ‘out there’ that maybe people haven’t experienced yet. So, in this piece, I go into the way in which ‘singing in the Spirit’ is used in worship, and tell you a little of what it’s all about.

In the Bible, in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14, Paul wrote that part of his letter to the Corinthian church because he was trying to introduce more intelligibility in worship. People had, in common with Christians all over the ancient world, received the spiritual gift (amongst other gifts) of ‘speaking in tongues’ (Acts 2:4; 1Cor 12:10) – actually I don’t like that term; I prefer to call it our ‘Spirit language’ – and they were using that gift in public worship – but that gift was getting out of control and wasn’t being used to build others up in their faith, which is really the whole point of meeting together in God’s Presence.

In 1Cor 14:15, St. Paul says this:

“So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding”.

Here, Paul describes two ways of praying and singing: ‘with [his] spirit’, and ‘with [his] understanding’. This means that sometimes it’s our spirits that pray/sing, and sometimes it’s with our minds or ‘understanding’. It means that sometimes we say or sing things that are understandable, but sometimes our spirit says or sings things that are very deep down and therefore are hard to put into words. This, I believe, is where the Spirit gives us the words to say, using our ‘Spirit language’.

So if praying and singing (in this context, I’m assuming worship singing) with the understanding means that we understand what we are praying or singing, it will  therefore probably be songs in your native language, like hymns or simple worship songs. Paul is saying that, as well as singing or praying in our Spirit language – which is not intelligible to others – we should also pray and sing with our understanding – using words which are intelligible to others. But – and here’s the key – it’s not one or the other; it’s both.

And please be aware that it is perfectly possible to sing or pray ‘in the Spirit’ in your native language. In fact, ideally, all prayer and singing should be done in the Spirit, that is, under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t have to be ‘in tongues’ to be in the Spirit! I’m not going to say that the gift of ‘tongues’ gives ‘deeper’ prayer or worship, because the two are complementary; you can have worship or prayer that is no less deep because it’s in your native language as well as prayer and worship that are in your Spirit language. The two work together. Singing or praying with the mind does not exclude the Holy Spirit; He inspires both.

So, I agree with Paul’s guidelines to the Corinthians, and they also provide a good framework for orderly, and yet still Spirit-led – worship in our time too.

But sometimes simply praying or singing in English, or whatever one’s native language is, is simply not enough. Sometimes there are thoughts and feelings we need to express that English simply can’t cope with. And so we use our Spirit language, in freedom, but also in consideration for others. Having said that, if everyone is singing in their Spirit language, then this is in keeping with the Scriptural guidelines* in 1 Cor 14 because everyone is doing it, and, most importantly, everyone is being edified – built up in their faith. In fact, I can think of no other worship experience that brings the people together so much as does a session of singing ‘in the Spirit’. It is beautiful, uplifting and upbuilding; people even get healed during these times, and who knows what amazing things we’re singing to God? The enemy certainly doesn’t!  Singing in Spirit language is a potent tool for both worship and spiritual warfare. It kicks the enemy’s butt even if that’s not your intention. And, most importantly, it blesses not only those singing, but also (and especially) the Lord Himself.

I’ll let you into a little secret here: when I’m in church, during the singing, if there’s a song I don’t like for any particular reason – maybe I don’t like the trite lyrics or for whatever other reason – I simply sing using my Spirit language. Nobody else can hear me because everyone else is singing too; it’s not important what I sing, the main point is I am lifting my heart to God in worship, and using the language He has given me in order to do this is a valid way to use the gift.

Let’s look at an example. Here’s a lovely worship video featuring the gifted worship leader, Terry MacAlmon**, as he leads a very receptive congregation in one of my favourite worship songs, ‘When I look into Your Holiness‘. Watch what happens from 4 minutes onwards:

The spontaneous singing from about 5 minutes in the video is a glorious example of ‘singing in the Spirit’, where the people are using their individual Spirit languages. That’s what it sounds like; it’s always different each time but this gives you the basic idea. It doesn’t always happen like it does in the video, sometimes it follows straight on from a song in English, sometimes is just rises up out of nowhere. The thing with learning to sing in your Spirit language is simply to not be embarrassed and just let go and trust God to give you the words to sing by the Spirit. The tune and the timing are also given by the Spirit. Sure, you could be forgiven for thinking that people are simply making it up, but I have seen this kind of worship countless times and in all cases it produces good fruit – joy, peace, love – and this is entirely Scriptural. This is of the Spirit.

You can also sing ‘in the Spirit’ in English too, once again trusting the Lord to provide the words, tune etc. An example of the public use of this gift is shown here.

In order to round off the subject today, I would say that the gift of ‘tongues’ is closely related to concepts in Romans 8:26-27 where Paul, writing on the subject of intercessory prayer (that is, praying for people, situations or things), says this:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s
people in accordance with the will of God”.

This means that that when we run out of words to say; when we can’t find the words; when sometimes mere words are not enough, then the Holy Spirit Himself steps in to pray for us – both actually praying for us and praying on our behalf – using inarticulate sounds, like groans and moans. Kind of as if even ‘tongues’ is not enough. I’ve found myself doing that quite a lot lately! We should not be surprised when, while we are trying to express the inexpressible either to or about an inexpressible God, we run out of words. And so the gift of ‘speaking in tongues’, in whatever role it is used, comes into its own; in fact, this is the main reason the gift is given – to express the inexpressible. Or even going beyond this into ‘groans’; both of these are valid forms of prayer, worship and intercession – in short, speaking with God.

You may be wondering how you too can receive the gift of your Spirit language – your own private prayer and worship language? It’s really quite simple. As a believer you have been ‘sealed’ with the Holy Spirit. He lives in you and gives you the life of God in your body (Rom 8:11; Jn 14:17). The gifts of the Spirit come as part of the package, as it were; they are already there, lying dormant inside you. So all you need to do is to ask God to awaken that gift in you and off you go. Find a quiet place by yourself, or maybe get someone to pray with you for the gift. For each of us, the experience is usually different from that of others; this comes as no surprise, for God is simply treating us all as individuals. There is no ‘normal’; no ‘stereotype’. Maybe begin by praising Him in English, and then just let yourself go. It’s really quite simple; to be honest the main hurdle most have to overcome is embarrassment. But don’t worry about that; just do it. And see what happens – and use the gift! The more you use the gift, the more comfortable you will become with it; practice, as with most things, does make perfect.

So, when words are not enough, use your gift!

*Note that here I am not advocating legalism in following ‘rules’, I am simply saying that, in certain cases such as this, consideration for others and the desire to build them up is in itself part of our worship. Worship that causes others to stumble is detrimental to those others. See my article on how not to cause others to stumble for more on this.

**This video is also a brilliant object-lesson in how to lead a congregation in worship under the leading of Holy Spirit. At about 4 minutes into the video, Terry doesn’t jump in with the next song; he doesn’t rush things or panic – you can see that he’s completely relaxed and focused on Jesus. And after about a minute of an ‘awesome silence’ (one where the people are simply looking to God in awe and wonder), the people spontaneously break out into singing in their Spirit languages. Terry’s just letting Holy Spirit have His way in the worship; he’s led the people to a position of awe and wonder and then he obviously feels the Spirit saying to him, ‘No more music just now, son, I’ll take it from here’. Notice how the people in the congregation are free to express themselves in their own way: some just sitting and listening, some sitting and singing or just raising hands, some standing up and giving it all they’ve got. And the way the dynamics work too – the volume changes, the ‘applause’, the harmonies, and then finally (interestingly, just as someone starts to go just a little outside the Spirit’s leading and starts to ‘squeal’ a little; this does happen sometimes!) Terry draws it to a close with a few gentle piano chords. Thoroughly relaxed, unpressurised, no ‘religious spirit’, pure worship. A lovely illustration of humans and God working together to produce lovely praise and worship to Jesus. This is worship leading at its best. Watch and learn, folks!

Let Your Glory Fall

A lovely song by David Ruis, just as timeless now as it was in 1996 when I first heard it.


Father of creation, unfold your sovereign plan
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march through the land
All of creation is longing
For your unveiling of power
Would you release your anointing
O God let this be the hour

Let Your glory fall in this room
Let it go forth from here to the nations
Let Your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek Your face

Ruler of the nations the world has yet to see
The full release of Your promise
The church in victory
Turn to us Lord and touch us
Make us strong in Your might
Overcome our weakness
That we could stand up and fight

Let Your glory fall in this room
Let it go forth from here to the nations
Let Your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek Your face

Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
Let us see on earth
The glory of Your Son

Let Your glory fall in this room
Let it go forth from here to the nations
Let Your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek Your face

We are gathered to seek Your face

More on ‘Recording God’

You may remember in one of my previous posts how I described the awesome phenomenon of what seemed like ‘recording God’. Almost as if you could get the Holy Spirit on tape…

Remember how I said that worship music stirs up the spirit of worship in the worshipper’s heart; how the reality of God’s Presence comes into focus as your heart turns towards Him?

Well, I’m writing this on the train to London, and I had some old classic Vineyard music playing (over my headphones, I might add!). Trouble is with that sort of thing is that when the spirit of worship arises in your heart, it’s very difficult to contain it. But I did my best; no more than a surreptitious raising of hands under my laptop….but for me the Presence of God was right there. I was almost in tears.

As a worship leader, I lead people into God’s Presence. It’s what I do. And I do that whether it’s in person or, like in this blog, by proxy. God is the same right there with you right now, as He is on this train with me.

So I thought I’d share this with you right now, so you too can join in. Fresh worship from an old song; fresh because the Creator God is right there in your heart, just as new and bright as He was on the Day of Creation and yet just as ancient as the universe, and even more so. The song is ‘Alleluia’, also known as ‘Jesus I love You’. Listen to it, join in, experience the Presence of God for yourself as you focus on Him.

Jesus I love You
I bow down before You
Praises and worship
To our King

Alleluia, Alleluia
Alleluia, Allelu

Oh, bless His holy Name. Glory to God!



Holiness Unto the Lord

Another classic Vineyard worship song – Holiness Unto the Lord by Danny Daniels. Majestic and powerful this song is, yes, hmm.


Holiness unto the Lord, unto the King
Holiness unto Your Name I will sing

Holiness unto Jesus
Holiness unto You Lord
Holiness unto Jesus
Holiness unto You Lord

I love You, I love Your Name, I love Your ways
I love You, and all my days I’ll proclaim

Holiness unto Jesus
Holiness unto You Lord
Holiness unto Jesus
Holiness unto You Lord

My Delight

This is one of the loveliest worship songs ever written – My Delight, by Andy Park.


Father, You are my portion in this life
And You are my hope and my delight
And I love You, Yes I love You,
Lord I love You, my delight

Jesus, You are my treasure in this life
And you are so pure and so kind
And I love You, Yes I love You,
Lord I love You, my delight

We used to sing this song regularly at my old Church in Leeds. And then one day I just invented a third verse, completely spontaneously and in live worship:

Spirit, You are my power in this life
And you fill every part of me with light
And I love You, Yes I love You,
Lord I love You, my delight

Header image: Cliffs at Perranporth, taken by my friend Trevor in August 2014, from the Cessna 152 I was flying at the time. Perranporth is a lovely town in Cornwall, UK, and has its own airfield, the runway of which is just visible at the top right of the picture. This view of the cliffs lit by the westering sun and seen through the early evening haze, with the tiny buildings of a cottage and tin mine in the foreground, captures beautifully the majestic splendour of the hugeness of the coastline of North Cornwall. There is no other coastline in the world like the Cornish coast….truly the Creation mirrors the Creator’s glory!

Click the thumbnail picture below for the full size image:
Cliffs at Perranporth

I want to be where You are…..

This has been the cry of my heart as long as I can remember. There’s nothing I want more than to be in God’s Presence, where all things that surround become mere shadows in His Light. In God’s Presence, there’s healing, there’s peace and there’s wholeness. There’s forgiveness, mercy and compassion. There’s love and acceptance like you never dreamed possible, no matter how bad you might feel about yourself. And the most important thing is that God is there, and He’s wanting to spend time with you!

Here’s a lovely song, written and performed nice and simply by Don Moen, which you can use as a prayer song. Listen to it, join in where you can, but own the lyrics. Make it your own song; make it your prayer. Desire to be in His Presence.

You see, God promises to draw close to all those who seek Him. Feel His presence right there with you. Everyone feels that presence slightly differently to others – some might feel a burning in their chest, some might feel a lightness of spirit, some might feel what seems like a cloak around their shoulders, some feel an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance, some see the air sparkling, some hear heavenly music – however you feel Him there, let Him draw close. He won’t scare you or do anything uninvited; He’s the perfect gentleman.

So, make this song your prayer, and then follow on into the next song, Here we are in Your Presence. Believe that He’s there in His life-changing power. Worship Him for His greatness and His love for you, for you personally. This is real; this is where it all happens!

I just want to be where You are,
dwelling daily in Your presence
I don’t want to worship from afar,
draw me near to where You are

I just want to be where You are,
in Your dwelling place forever
Take me to the place where You are,
I just want to be with You

I want to be where You are,
dwelling in Your presence
Feasting at Your table,
surrounded by Your glory
In Your presence,
that’s where I always want to be
I just want to be,
I just want to be with You

I just want to be where You are,
dwelling daily in Your presence
I don’t want to worship from afar,
draw me near to where You are

Oh, my God,
You are my strength and my song
And when I’m in Your presence
Though I’m weak You’re always strong

I just want to be where You are,
in Your dwelling place forever
Take me to the place where You are,
I just want to be, I just want to be with You

I just want to be, I just want to be with You

We want to be where You are,
dwelling in Your presence
Feasting at Your table,
surrounded by Your glory
In Your presence,
that’s where we always want to be
I just want to be, I just want to be with You

I just want to be, I just want to be with You

I just want to be with You


Here we are, in Your Presence
Lifting holy hands to You
Here we are, praising Jesus
For the things He’s brought us through

Here we are, in Your Presence
Lifting holy hands to You
Here we are, praising Jesus
For the things He’s brought us through

Feel free to search my site for other worship songs (using the ‘category’ of ‘Worship’), so you can continue with your worship if you want to do so. Most of my worship song offerings on these pages have the lyrics too, so you can join in.

Be blessed!