That Other ‘Dratted Verse’…

[Author’s Note: This essay is about a verse in the ‘Letter to the Hebrews’. No-one is certain who wrote that Epistle, but for the sake of convenience I will here refer to the writer using the masculine pronouns ‘he/him’ and as the ‘writer’ rather than presuming either a name or a gender] [1] I once … Continue reading That Other ‘Dratted Verse’…

My Hell Resource Page

I’m not sure that people who say they believe in Hell really believe it. In fact, I think that most believers don’t really think much about Hell at all. And in some ways that’s absolutely right; if a believer perceives that he has been ‘saved from Hell’, then why even think  about it? But as … Continue reading My Hell Resource Page

Casting Down the Imaginations

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2Cor10:5 (KJV) I’ve recently identified the driving force behind my contentious blog posts, my forum postings (usually contesting posts by religious hard-liners) and my attitudes in general towards things … Continue reading Casting Down the Imaginations