I love worshipping Jesus. I love the feeling of being in His Presence in that amazing way that’s amplified so much more when in worship. I find myself singing the songs of the Spirit quite spontaneously; when worship music comes on, my hands just sometimes raise in the air in worship, of their own accord. My wonderful wife Fiona gave me this lovely Scripture from her favourite Bible translation, The Message – because she said it reminded her of me!:
“Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ.” (Eph 5:18-20 (Message))
(I love that – ‘Any excuse for a song….’ and that’s just so me….)
Now you know I don’t treat the Bible as a book of Rules. This isn’t telling me what to do and what not to do; rather, it’s kind-of validating what I do in worship. It tells me that what happens to me when my heart is stirred with worship is actually quite normal for someone who is filled up with the Spirit of God. Not that I need validating; but there we go. But that’s what it’s like – any excuse for a song. I find myself singing out loud with the overflow from my heart, and you can too. Wouldn’t you love to do that? Wouldn’t you love to be aware of God’s Presence as you worship just driving down the road? Worship Him in Spirit and Truth and that’s what happens. For “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks…” (Lk6:45)
Now, about 25 years ago, my dear friend Chris returned from Australia having experienced a real move of God in his life, and also bringing back some great songs from Christian City Church in Sydney, where they’d been worshipping out there in the Land of Oz. I remember at the party welcoming them back, the song ‘All Honour‘ came on, and Chris’s wife Dawn was standing next to me; it was lovely to see her eyes close and her hands raise spontaneously in worship……when the Spirit of God moves on a person, all kinds of things can happen. Weeping, uncontrollable laughter (that’s my particular thing), falling over, giddiness….the list goes on. So don’t be surprised when, in the worship clip I am about to share, at 2 minutes in one of the young men in the singing group is suddenly in floods of tears. That’s the Spirit at work. If you’re going to ask for the anointing to fall on you, this is the sort of thing that can happen!
Don’t be surprised either if He does it to you too, as you enter in to the worship. Here’s Ron Kenoly and the Hosanna Music worship band, doing ‘Anointing Fall on Me’ and ‘All Honor’ on the worship session entitled ‘Lift Him Up!’
Find Him as you sing……
Anointing, fall on me,
Anointing, fall on me;
Let the power of the Holy Ghost
Fall on me,
Anointing, fall on me.
Touch my hands, my mouth and my heart;
Fill my life, Lord, every part.
Let the power of the Holy Ghost
Fall on me,
Anointing, fall on me.
All honor
All glory
All power
To You
Holy Father we worship You
Precious Jesus our Saviour
Holy Spirit we wait on You
Holy Spirit we wait on You
Holy Spirit we wait on You
For fire