Here’s a lovely song, beautifully arranged and with lots of excellent key changes, that proclaims just some of what the Lord Jesus accomplished at Calvary.
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the pivotal events for the Christian faith; while we cannot comprehend what He went through on that Cross, it is only right that we proclaim, and rejoice in, what He accomplished there. Here’s the song; I hope it blesses you:
O mighty cross, Love lifted high
The Lord of life raised there to die
His sacrifice on Calvary
Has made the mighty cross a tree of life to me
O mighty cross, what throne of grace
He knew no sin, yet took my place
His sacrifice on Calvary
Has made the mighty cross a tree of life to me
O mighty cross, O Christ so pure
Love held Him there, such shame endured
His sacrifice on Calvary
Has made the mighty cross a tree of life to me
O mighty cross, my soul’s release,
The stripes He bore, have brought me peace
His sacrifice on Calvary
Has made the mighty cross a tree of life to me
(David Baroni and John Chisum)