Shedding the heavy burdens of religion

In March of this year, the great Christian musician, Don Francisco, shared on Facebook one of the most profound postings I’ve ever seen. Click the date in the link below to be taken straight to it on Facebook. You may need a Facebook account to be able to read it; I’m not sure! And I’ve reproduced it in full here as well….


“Come to Me, all of you who struggle wearily and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) This verse means “….all of you who struggle under religious burdens….” It was a religious burden Jesus carried to Calvary– that heavy cross was put on Him by the religious system. Because of Jesus, all the world’s religious systems and their burdens are finished– there is no longer anything or anyone between you and God, no mediators, no set of rules. Some religions, calling themselves ‘Christian’, would try to add, “Well, now that you know the truth, you’ve got to do this or that….” I’m sure you can fill in those blanks yourself, but none of them are from Him; performance is not required. You were in Him when He was crucified and died, and you were in Him when He rose and ascended back to where He was before. God is your brother and your friend. And that’s that…. plus nothing.

Posted by Don Francisco on Sunday, 22 March 2015

Sheer brilliance.

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