My regular readers will know that I have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) called ‘Asperger’s Syndrome’. I’m Aspergic; I’m an ‘Aspie’, and I’m proud of it!*
I’ve written this piece for two reasons. Firstly, in order to help other believers who have Asperger’s Syndrome, to help them see how they ‘fit in’ to the Church and the Things of God. To help them cope with people who do not see the world, the Church and the Father in quite the same way as they do. And secondly, in order to inform that majority of people who are not Aspergic – we Aspies call them ‘Neurotypicals’, or ‘NTs’ – a non-derogatory term simply meaning that their brains are wired ‘typically’, or ‘normally’, as in, like those of ‘most’ people. I hope that NT readers of this article will be able to gain some insight as to how we Aspies think. I will use the abbreviation ‘NTs’ in this article. Aspies’ brains are, however, ‘wired differently’.
For example, one of the things that Aspies do exceptionally well is to think ‘outside the box’. In fact, for many Aspies, there is no box!
I mention this because it is important that we understand right from the beginning that Aspies do not think like NTs. It means that some NTs may find it hard to follow their lines of reasoning, and may even wonder how they arrive at the conclusions they do. This is all part of it. In fact, I am very blessed in that my boss is great: he often invites me to give my perspective in meetings precisely because I offer a (sometimes very) different viewpoint from everyone else. I think of things that no-one else does. And he likes to take advantage of that. Granted, NTs too can think outside the box, but some Aspies really excel at it.
Anyway, I know how hard it can be to ‘fit in’ to any ‘community’ of NTs, especially in a Church where maybe people have set lines drawn that it is ‘forbidden’ to cross; the Aspie, however, doesn’t even notice these lines! Here, then, I present some ‘tips’ for Aspergic Christians, and indeed for Aspies in general; I do not feel I am being presumptuous in offering these because a) I am Aspie; I wouldn’t recognise presumption if it bit me on the bum, and b) I’m writing from 50+ years’ experience in interfacing with NTs. Here we go, then:
- Despite its name, Asperger’s Syndrome is not a ‘condition’ or a ‘syndrome’ in the sense that it’s not an illness. There is nothing wrong with you; you’re just different from others. You can’t ‘cure’ it because there’s nothing wrong to cure; it’s simply the way you are made. In some ways, it’s the ultimate in individuality!
- Give yourself a break – (as in, ‘Gimme a break, willya!’) – don’t be too hard on yourself! As an Aspie, you may have perfectionist tendencies, but you don’t have to be a slave to perfectionism. Go easy on yourself.
- Remember that other people will not see things as you do. Give them a break too. People might not see or understand things that to you seem obvious. And their points of view will be different. This does not necessarily mean that either of you are wrong.
- Sometimes you might find that you can listen to several conversations at once, or perhaps you find your mind spinning with thoughts and ideas while in a conversation. One of the things I found hardest was finding a way to integrate this into times when I was in a conversation with one person. It’s sometimes hard to stay on track with the conversation because your mind wants to fly off at a tangent, and it’s easy to get distracted, or to stop listening. This is often normal for an Aspie, but it can be disconcerting for the other person. So here are some ideas on how to help others to be more comfortable when in conversation with you:
- It’s best if you think before you speak.
- Try to talk about them and their interests, not about you and yours. This helps to make you concentrate on listening to them, and also people like talking about themselves, so will feel good about talking to you. Make a point of taking an interest in what they say and in them as a person.
- Try not to interrupt people, but wait until it is your turn to speak. This might be signalled by them looking at you while they wait for your reply.
- An interesting trick is to try to hear one point that the person says, and store that up in your mind. Then later, when it’s your turn to speak, use that point to make it look as if you were listening fully. This isn’t deception; this is a learned social skill that can help others relate to you. For example, you might hear that the person is an Arsenal supporter. When it’s your turn to speak, you can ask, for example, how their defence has been playing, or perhaps if their striker is on form.
- Learn how to be aware that you are boring someone. If you have been talking for more than a couple of minutes on your most fascinating subject, and they haven’t been able to get a word in, the chances are they will be bored. And, at that point, look at their body language; that is what boredom looks like! And then give them a turn to speak!
- If you have a pedantic nature – and many Aspies do – then if they say something that your pedantic nature disagrees with, feel free to hold your tongue; you don’t have to refute everyone’s mistakes, and you are not going to change the world – or anyone’s mind – by saying something without thinking about it first!
- As an Aspie, you will have ‘super powers’. They give you a view on reality that few NTs can see, if any, and sometimes, insights that are simply lost to NTs. However, you might not realise that they are super powers because to you they are completely normal. You can’t imagine that others can’t do the things you can do. Your super powers might be, for example, a heightened sense of smell or hearing, maybe a gift for navigation. One of my best friends, also an Aspie, has a gift for being able to feel exactly what his car is doing when he is driving, and his mind projects the best driving line on the road into his mind as a series of coloured lines. Blue line for safe, red line for danger, and so on. Discover your super powers! Rejoice in your super powers!
- Keep your super powers secret if you can; this may sound crazy to NTs, but superheroes in the comics and the movies have secret identities – and that’s for two reasons: firstly, so the bad guys can’t use their friends and families to get at the superheroes; and secondly because if people know that you have super powers, they will expect you to use them all the time (“What do you mean, you didn’t hear the phone ring? You’re supposed to have super-hearing!!”). This way, you get to choose when and where to use your super powers, and maybe use them quietly and in an understated way so that others don’t discover them! And also, some people in Churches will certainly not understand and might even be suspicious of you. This is normal, because they may be afraid of something they a) don’t understand and b) can’t control.
- You think differently from other people. It is very likely that God made you this way so that you can see aspects of Him that most others cannot see. Whether you choose to pass on these insights to others, or not, is for you to decide. But perhaps try the idea out on a trusted friend first.
- In light of the above comment, this means that you will be able to see things about God that others don’t, and/or see things in a different way from others, and sometimes you might be afraid of being seen as an heretic or something. Don’t be. You have been gifted with insight that others don’t have; you can bring people things from God that others cannot**. God is so much bigger than any of our little man-made opinions, and He rejoices in your abilities even if others, through a lack of understanding, can’t or won’t. You may experience rejection because of this, even by – and, sometimes, especially by – other Christians. Remember at the end of the day it’s God’s opinion that matters, not that of humans.
- Remember that you also have the ‘Mind of Christ’ and all the other aspects of the New Nature that Christ gives. You have the Holy Spirit, you have the assurance of His witness in your heart. You are just as much a New Creation as other believers; just because you are ‘different’ it doesn’t negate any of this. Don’t let others convince you otherwise; I have had people question my salvation status because of the way I think, and I was having none of it!
- Remember to love yourself. If you’re to love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:31), you can’t really do this easily unless you love yourself properly. This involves being comfortable with who you are, Aspie and all! 🙂
- You decide as to whether to ‘come out’ as Aspie, or not. It’s entirely up to you.
- Although being Aspie has some disadvantages, sometimes (but not always), these can be overcome with a little practice. Apply your mind to the problem. Try to develop coping strategies, like the ones in the paragraphs above about how to hold conversations with others. You will find that with use and practice, you actually learn to appreciate others and what they think, and this makes it easier to relate to them.
- And finally, remember that being Autistic is classed as a ‘disability’. This can give you two advantages in the employment stakes: firstly, it is worth bearing in mind that your employer has to make ‘reasonable adjustments’; and secondly, you will also count towards your employer’s ‘equal opportunities’ disabled persons quota. And for severe Autism, where you need help to get along in daily life, you can get benefits to help with this. At least this is the case in the UK, at the time of writing; other countries may of course differ. There are links on the National Autistic Society’s website about this sort of thing; click the logo below to visit their site, where there is also lots of really useful information about coping with Asperger’s Syndrome.
*For those unfamiliar with Asperger’s Syndrome, or for those who would just like a bit more insight into what it’s all about, you can do no better than to check out the National Autistic Society’s pages on Asperger’s Syndrome; click the logo below to go to the first page (there’s a series of pages to look through but it’s all very informative)
**This is why some of my blog entries represent some quite unusual ideas about God and His Kingdom.
For my own background, I’d just say that I always knew I was ‘different’. All my life, I have learned to adjust to living life in a society where I was not understood for much of the time. We’d suspected I was Aspergic; I’d done some tests online (just Google ‘Asperger quiz’) and I’d always shown as a ‘possible’. However, it wasn’t until I undertook a proper series of tests that I got my ‘diagnosis’, for want of a better term for something that isn’t really an illness. I was ‘diagnosed’ at the age of 50, and it was really a great relief to know just why and how I was different! And I love being Aspie.
If you feel you need to be tested for Asperger’s, or any other ASD, the place to start is with your GP, where you should ask to be referred for the tests. And don’t let them fob you off; you are allowed to insist, or if that fails, ask another doctor.
Thanks for this post, Tony. I don’t know of anybody with Asperger’s (that I know of), and I know little about the condition. I followed a person with Asperger’s on a TV competition show (American Idol or America’s Got Talent), and it helped make me aware just a little bit.
Your post is very informative and helpful to me. Thanks for posting.
Thanks Tim 🙂
Also thanks for this post. Asperger’s runs in my wife’s family, so I am quite familiar with it. As it happens, I also have several friends on the spectrum. You are right about the superpowers. One friend could probably tell you who made every pop/rock record in the last 100 years – and the year it came out. There is a perspective that Aspies bring which is valuable to humanity and also to our faith.
Thanks for posting this information. One of my grandson’s is slightly autistic and Asperger’s has been mentioned. He does have some of the traits mentioned. He is a smart young man and at times can be very talkative on subject he knows about. I agree with your comment that there is nothing wrong, no disease, nothing to be cured. He is enjoyable to be around yet sometimes very quiet. A lot of times he seems to go into a British accent while talking. It is interesting. It was good reading this article and getting a little more insight. Thanks again for the article.
My daughter was diagnosed with Aspergers in 6th grade. She’s 17 now. The trouble I see is that the diagnosis isn’t a one-size-fits-all. She doesn’t have some of the traits you mention, such as talking only about herself. She’s very quiet and when she does open up, it’s not just to talk about herself. She does have very narrowed interests and can be rigid. I think because it’s on a spectrum, you can see varying degrees of these “symptoms” (I don’t like that term at all. She’s not sick, but for a lack of a better word–I used it here).
The biggest problem we have is she doesn’t socialize at all really. Other Aspergers kids will at least try to talk, however awkward, about their interests. She shows none of that. She seems to prefer to be a recluse except around her own family. I often wondered if she wasn’t a selective mute. Yet, she doesn’t talk our ears off either. She doesn’t express her feelings well to me. I have to pry it out. And I’m about the only one who can get her to tell me. She can’t drive. She is behind in school, especially math and reading skills (although she loves to read, her comprehension isn’t where it should be). She is an avid writer and has taken a huge interest in Lego Ninjago. It’s odd to see a 17 year old female like Ninjago, but that doesn’t stop her. She writes fan fiction. And she also likes Little House on the Prairie and Anime. So her interests can vary at times. She’s just a unique work of art and sometimes I fail to see that! Thank you for sharing your story. It helps to know that she’s not alone.
‘It’s odd to see a 17 year old female like Ninjago’ – Oof; I wonder if the ‘problem’ is more of your mind than hers; she’s being herself [imo she sounds fab; my kid’s like that & I’m so glad, & relieved; I wouldn’t know how to relate to a ‘normie’, lol]- but you object & want her to fit a blue-print in your head – I know it’s not your fault; non-asps are wired to be rigid in thought, nervous of difference; it blows their fuses, but I feel bad for your daughter; Please just appreciate her as she is & stop trying to change her; you may find if you do that she relaxes more & will blossom as herself?
‘biggest problem we have is she doesn’t socialize at all really’ -But is it actually a problem for HER?! What if she’s perfectly happy alone or with a select 1 or 2; would you stop worrying? Non-Asps like crowds for security & status, they believe Asps also need it to be ‘happy’ -but they don’t, quite the opposite: Why be with a load of people you don’t relate to, who gossip & judge each other on weird meaningless standards, stuff you’ve no interest in – when you’d be far happier on your computer or drawing?! [or writing prize winning literature, creating medical, engineering, scientific advancements, or great music]- REAL problem is non-Asps lack’ve logic 😉 Having a set view of ‘normal’ & trying to squish everyone else into it ‘for their own good’ – but not everyone is ‘normal’ [thank God]; why stress them, & yourself, by trying to make them something they arn’t, when they’re FINE, & far happier, as they are?! 🙂 x
Hi Elle and Jim, and thanks for your comments. Elle, I definitely agree that Asperger Syndrome is not a one-size-fits-all; one of the things with Aspies is that we do not fit into any mould, including the mould made specially for Aspies! Your daughter sounds like a great young lady and I can see that you’re really proud of her!
I too found that my interests vary at times; there are several that run all the time but others that I dip in and out of.
One of the hardest things, though, can be social rejection. I found very early on that I was ‘different’ from other kids my age; the other thing I learned very early on was that although sometimes they could be hurtful, I didn’t care that I was ‘different’. I’d much rather be ‘me’ than be as samey and predictable as Every. Single. Other. Person. in my peer group. That was my coping mechanism; I’m sure each Aspie will develop their own.
Great article Anthony. I have a son with Angelman Syndrome who is on the autistic spectrum, so it is an area of great interest to me. I also did a lot of research/treatment for autism using neurofeedback in the past. Thanks for posting this.
I see AS as a gift; the smart, kind, creative, artistic, spiritual seeking, honest, empathic & open-minded who arn’t bullying, gobby or maliciously deceptive; Christian blue-print. & They’re the cool, interesting outsiders I gravitate to – Only a problem is social guff, a NT majority making it so with hidden rules & intolerance – & that’s only a problem IF you don’t KNOW you have AS! As I didn’t till ‘old age’ despite 30yrs seeking help for suicidal depression, anxiety & self-hate resulting from just not knowing why I couldn’t ‘fix’ myself – Not ONE Dr even mentioned AS! Why would God do that – not let you know?! Struggled all my life, IF only I’d known it’s a neurological difference, the wasted years of bullies & chemicals & self-help clap-trap; I don’t want ANYONE else to suffer from ignorance; awareness is the key & I’ll publicise it as much as poss; thank you for doing same 🙂
*Among the many, many famous & gifted suspected AS from history – Einstein, Marie Curie etc – is Marilyn Monroe. When I feel sad about the lack of awareness when I grew up, basically ‘Fit in or f-off, I think how much worse it was for generations before, like Marilyn’s, what chance did she have – & I’m SO glad it’s changing & better for kids today, I don’t want anymore to suffer, it must end. Plus AS is a gift for the greater good that society wastes at it’s peril. Still confused why God’d engineer such a situation ~ the ignorance of AS, but I’m working on it.
Thank you for this blog. I’m married to an Aspie – in the middle of getting tested, but the doc says he sees that he has Asperger’s. The Doctor (a psychologist – PhD) has Asperger’s too and is awesome! This is in Texas, USA.
I believe my step-son and father-in-law have Asperger’s too. But my father-in-law is past Asperger’s and has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He is in his late 80’s and lives with us. He is/was a fantastic fella and loved God and his family. I miss him. He was my buddy and he walked me down the isle when his son and I married almost 3 years ago.
Anyway I want to reach out to my step-son and share the love of Jesus with him. He thinks all Christians go to church because it’s like a club. He also thinks Christians don’t really do as they claim to do/live. I understand why he thinks that, because no person on earth is perfect and we all sin/are not perfect like Jesus is. He also says I’m a saint and that he likes the bible and Jesus I talk about… But I’m a weak person and I have bouts of depression because of some hardships that have recently happened. I hope and pray that I reach my wonderful step-son for Jesus. I want him to know Jesus and to feel the love of Jesus instead of the pain he feels about himself. He often says how he has badly messed up (but he uses colorful metaphors when he says it.) I tell him that everyone messes up and that’s ok. I also tell him that I love him, messing up and all. Now don’t get me wrong… He and his Dad are messy, as in they don’t clean up after themselves. I have to clean the kitchen counters and the stove before I cook dinner because they have not cleaned up after themselves when making sandwiches or frying eggs or sausage for lunch. They just don’t understand my need for cleanliness. (I know all Aspies don’t have that, but my fellas do. And I love them anyway. I just want help with chores!) Back on subject… My step-son knows I want him to clean up either as he goes or when he’s finished in the kitchen. When I was in my teams I made a big mess in the kitchen, but I learned. Or rather I should say that I was taught to clean up after myself… And he wasn’t taught to do that. Or rather he was fussed at by his mom when he didn’t do something exactly as she wanted him to do it. I heard she put him down because he was going to change a lightbulb… He has a hard time being told a critique, so when someone criticizes him, it really hurts him. But he is kind and helps during hard times. He has sided with me when his Dad’s temper gets the best of him. Neither my step-son (bonus son, really!) and I have a hard time when his Dad yells at the top of his lungs. It just isn’t necessary! He grew up with loud parents that argued and yelled and he thinks it’s ok. I grew up with people yelling and I turned to Jesus and went a different route. I was abused by my previous spouse and I unfortunately fall apart when the yelling got too loud and personal. That said, my husband has agreed to do testing and to try to learn to use new tools to help him with our marriage and with life. He has learned a little already and I see a difference. But I believe my step-son doesn’t know what to make of all this. And I just want to reach him with the love of Jesus. Please pray for me and my family – just one time, if you don’t mind. I want my step-son to see he is awesome and smart and capable of doing anything he wants to do! I believe that he will eventually see that if he comes to Jesus. I know it took me coming to Jesus to learn that I was / important. I mean, I know I’m not all that and a bag of chips! ( thin American potato chips crisps – not the yummy stuff in the UK) But to God, I’m important, loved, have a purpose (even if I sometimes don’t know it) and I’m called to be Holy and to rely on the Holy Spirit… And so much more! God loves us and the great commission wants us to tell others about His love…. I want to start in my home with those I love… (Everyone else is a Christian, except for my step-son.) Any advice would be appreciated. And as I asked before, please pray that the Holy Spirit reaches my step-son. I know he would be a happier fella if he felt loved by God/Jesus instead of just having to “survive the day,” as he says.
And again, thank you for sharing. You offer great advice and give good and helpful info. God bless you today and always!